Sep 27Liked by Anu Prabhala

The intriguing poem "Tiger or a Lamb" reminded me of the fourth avatar of Vishnu, the half-lion and half-man Narasimha.

"We are tiger brave, strong for us, and those around us also fierce, killing evil around us."

That's the description of the animal part of Narasimha, killing the demon Hiranyakasipu.

"We are lamb that treads soft, heals, consoles when the Earth needs us."

The human part of Narasimha becomes as docile as a lamb on seeing Hiranyakasipu's son Prahalad.

"I was that Self, ready to be what it takes, a tiger and a lamb when need be."

Tathaastu - so be it!

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Wow, Mohan--I never had this story in mind, but it seems spot on when you put it that way. Maybe I had this lurking in me somewhere and it's so apt--that our mythology reflect its core beliefs, that in everyone there lurks a duality, but that duality ends in the perfection of the Self itself. Thank you for commenting--I always learn something new from you:)

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Sep 27Liked by Anu Prabhala

Yes we are both tiger and lamb throughout the ebbs and flow of our lives 🩵 awesome poem!

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Thank you, Grace!

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